Samantha Sea Sea

Cauldron of the secret self

2023/12/01 - 24/01/07

埤益藝廊 PE Gallery, Taipei

Samantha Sea Sea 是來自紐約布魯克林的跨領域表演藝術家。雖然她的背景主要是電影和錄影,但自 2016 年起,她的實踐主要圍繞在表演上。她的表演常常融入原創的錄像投影和聲音設計。她的許多作品都運用科幻美學作為一種探索人類脆弱性和個體化過程的方法。

在她之前的作品中,Sea Sea 探索了她祖先的夢想和渴望如何在她所處的時代中產生共鳴,尤其是她已故的外婆。作為一個孩子,Sea Sea 聽聞了許多關於她自己在牙買加童年的故事,儘管她從未親自造訪,但這些故事在她的腦海中創造了一種歸屬感,並在她的一生中流淌。

Samantha Sea Sea is an interdisciplinary performance artist from Brooklyn, NY. While her background is mainly in film and video, her practice has centered around performance since 2016. Her performances often incorporate original video projections and sound design. Much of her work incorporates science fiction aesthetics as a means of exploring human fragility and the individuation process.

In her previous works, Sea Sea explores how the dreams and aspirations of her ancestors in the context of her own time resonate, particularly pertaining to her late maternal grandmother. As a child Sea Sea was told many stories about her own childhood in Jamaica, and although she had never visited there herself, these stories created a sense of place in her mind that has persisted throughout her life.
新聞稿 Pressrelease