2023/12/01 - 24/01/07 Cauldron of the secret self, Samantha Sea Sea, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/10/29 - 12/17 Solid surface, blurry grounds, Duo Presentation by Zoe Dittrich-Wamser & Wang Xiang, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/09/16 - 10/22 Wind blows on the dust and snorts like a tremendous beast, Solo Presentation by Melanie Chacko, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/07/20 - 08/31, 埤益藝廊夏季計劃 PE Summer Program, 參展藝術家Artists: Reza Afisina, Samantha CC, Die Kette Moabit, Vika Kirchenbauer, objet A.D (80), 囍 Shuangxi, 曾淳嘉 Tseng Chun-Jia, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/07/15 ‘To A Big Circle’ Art Event, New Taipei City Art Museum (TW)

23/06/10 - 07/01 HORIZON,
Solo Presentation by 莊哲瑋 Chuang CheWei, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/05/06 - 05/27, Mikrokosmos (Bela Bartok), 埤益公有領域PE Public Domain, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/05/19 Rama Saputra、Sabiwa (數位)、LEE Ying-Hao李英豪、Mira、Bentien等多位藝術家共襄盛舉「埤益藝廊《Mikrokosmos》現場演出」PE Gallery & Ray Chang: Mikrokosmos LIVE, Datong District Civic Center, Taipei (TW)

23/05/15 Visit to NTNU Digital Archive Center for Music, Taipei (TW)

23/04/15 - 04/29 Silhouettes, Solo Presentation by Kiki Kouniari, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

23/03/11 - 03/26Riddley Walker, Solo Presentation by Jack Hogan, PE Fine Art, Taipei (TW)

22/12/03 Nests and Limbs, BhikkhuAzalea, Thea Drechsler, Samuel Ferstl, Pan Ren, Tacheles, Taipei (TW)

22/07/05 Calling the Anthropomorphic Cabinet, M Casey, Eva Döhne, Samuel Ferstl, Alexandra Grübler, Claudia Harss, Maike Hautz, Leo Hrytsak, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Nikos Katsampanis, Kiki Kouniari, Valentin P, S L, Susanna Schoenberg, Daniela Stöppel, touristgroup, Eva Tsagaraki, væ, Stela Vula, Lei Xi and Laura Ziegler, halle50, Munich (DE)

Jurassic Bar with Melis Arı, Luce deLire, Samuel Ferstl, Nura Hauck, Sebastian Moske, Mirl Redmann & Suna Yıldız, Stellwerk, Kassel (DE)

Waves of Confidence,Paul Galas, grains, Cologne (DE)

Luftikusse Blitzeln, Irina Yang, Qijia You, Dingliu Yang, Nai Yun Yang, Pan Ren & Samuel Ferstl @ Kunstkwartier44, Cologne (DE)

Artistic Interventions at Werra Wiese, Pan Ren, Leonie Heidel & Samuel Ferstl, Witzenhausen(DE)

abstraction,Kaitong Zhang, grains, Cologne (DE)

Trance App / transparency, Samuel Ferstl, Sepulkralmuseum, Kassel (DE)

stages, Nai Yun Yang, Luce deLire, Comrade Josephine, Mirl Redmann & Samuel Ferstl @ documenta Halle, Kassel (DE)