Yang Nai Yun

楊乃昀,生於1996年,是一位居住在德國杜塞道夫的台灣藝術家。她於2022年畢業於杜塞道夫藝術學院,師承多米尼克·岡薩雷斯-福爾斯特(Dominique Gonzales-Foerster),並獲得碩士學位。在她的作品中,她運用各種媒介,探討社會關係,特別聚焦於其中的科技成分。


Yang Nai Yun, born 1996, is a Taiwanese artist who lives in Düsseldorf, DE. She graduated from Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in 2022 with Meisterschüler from Dominique Gonzales-Foerster. In her works, she uses a variety of media to investigate in social relations with a specific focus on its technological components.

Following a very distinct visual language, incorporating media like Performance Art, theater and writing, 3D animation, film, photography, music and graphical art, Yang creates installations that have a vivid character and articulate a certain ambiguity of meaning. Her work is characterized by a variety of almost oppositional tendencies, strongly involving the visitor through interaction and affection.